Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Stock markets on the brink of crashing, corrupt politicians, economy at its worst. I am not talking about a scene from Die Hard 4 movie. I am talking about the current situation in India. India once known for its riches and culture is now on the verge of breaking apart. The Rupee vs dollar at all time low, fuel prices increased vastly and the worst part politicians sleeping in the parliament during sessions. What is the source to all these problems in India? Is it the corrupt politicians who have heaps of black money? Is it the people who have no interest to invest in India any-more? Whenever the rupee deteriorates we just put the blame on some European country pulling out or recession in the USA. I would ask what measures have we taken in-order to become the so called "Developed India 2020"? Nothing!! Nothing at all. As long as we have such politicians who make a living out of others money we wont be a developed nation at all. We Indians are hard working and have the capability to do much greater things that what the Americans do but the barrier which stops us is "My Money, My Life" act. I am not asking you to live for the country but I am asking you to make a valid infinite-small contribution to the country which would make a difference. Once you have finished reading the post you would think "He keeps asking us to do. What has this fellow done to this country?" To be honest till this date I haven't but I believe that I would in future. I am being honest about this. I would also expect the same from your side. Jai Hind!!