Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Power of Imagination

Hi Folks, I am back again with another interesting topic "Positive Thinking". Would you believe me if I say that "A lot of things happen in this world just by merely imagining or dreaming about it?". Well! That's a fact and the power of imagination. Lets consider a simple scenario where you want to visit a five star restaurant and their best possible dish. All you have to do is to imagine yourself entering the restaurant and eating the disk(though you never really know what are they going to serve you :P ). Now my point here is all the things in this world are connected and act like a magnetic field. Things you imagine have the highest possibility of you attracting it (whether its positive or negative). Whatever the heights or whichever the league you want to reach or enter just start imagining with a positive frame of mind and I assure you that it would be a cake walk. The purpose of me writing this post is that I have experienced it. One of my personal experience is my post graduate study in New Zealand. I have always dreamt of studying in this country. My heart asked me to apply to New Zealand whereas my brain "commanded" me to go for US. In the end you are where your heart belongs to because once something has indited inside your heart it means that you have imagined and dreamt a lot about it and it has sunk in so deep without your knowledge.You might think "This is nonsense man!" but this is the truth that cannot be argued upon. Never get contented with anything in life and crave for more success. World has abundant amount of competitors. You have to whack yourself every-time you lose focus. Be strong, stay strong. God Bless!!

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